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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæləntri] 英式发音: ['ɡæləntri]


网络释义:豪侠;英勇;豪勇复数:gallantries  同义词反义词





1.(尤指在战场上)勇敢,英勇顽强courage, especially in a battle

a medal for gallantry英勇勋章

2.(男子对女子的)殷勤polite attention given by men to women


n.1.brave behavior, especially when fighting in a war2.extremely polite and helpful treatment of a woman by a man

1.勇敢 galena 方铅矿 gallantry 勇敢,殷勤 gallbladder 胆囊 ...

2.殷勤 galena 方铅矿 gallantry 勇敢,殷勤 gallbladder 胆囊 ...

3.豪侠 豪爽〖 forthright〗 豪侠gallantry〗 豪兴〖 exuberantspirits;keeninterest〗 ...

4.英勇 ... fortitude 坚韧,刚毅 gallantry 勇敢;英勇 grove 小树林,果园 ...

5.豪勇 ... Ode 颂诗,赋 Gallantry 勇气,豪勇,勇敢的行为 Cauldron 大锅,大汽锅 ...

6.勇气 勇敢: brave; 勇气gallantry 见义勇为: never to hesitate to do what is righteous ...

7.献殷勤 grain 谷粒 gallantry 献殷勤 grief 悲痛 ...

8.风度知名的康城克鲁瓦塞大道(Croisette),强调风度(Gallantry),智慧(Intellectual) ,热诚(Passion) ,独立自主(Freedom)及冒险 …


1.The young man is already known as "the Nutcracker" for the gallantry he shows in cracking nuts for young ladies in his father's shop.这位年轻人因其在他父亲的店里乐于为年轻小姐们打开胡桃所表现出的侠义风度而已经成为众所周知的“胡桃夹子”了。

2.gallantry, politesse He had a sort of instinctive chivalry in him.在他身上有一种天生的骑士风度。

3.If she springs on you I shall defend you and prove my poor gallantry.要是她向您扑来,我就保护您,以证明我那微弱的勇气。

4.He displayed great gallantry in trying to save a boy from drowning .他在抢救一名溺水男孩时表现得十分勇敢。

5.With consummate gallantry and intrepidity , Maj. Carswell gave his life in a supreme effort to save all members of his crew.少校卡斯威尔以其至上的英勇无畏,用自己的生命尽其最大努力,拯救了他的机组成员们。

6.But if you want to feel the heat and stink of war, to know how desperation kindles gallantry and barbarism, see Black Hawk Down.然而,如果你想要体验一下战争的火药味儿,想要了解绝望是如何激起勇气与野蛮之力的话,那一定要去看看《黑鹰计划》这部电影。

7.But before that it was "a cemetery where thousands are buried, with heroism and gallantry on both sides" .在奠边府有个“埋葬数千人的公墓,双方都充满英雄主义、勇武善战。”

8.but she played from memory, and he was spared the trouble his gallantry would have imposed upon him.可是她凭记忆弹奏,这就把骑士风度要求于他的那点麻烦豁免了。

9.Opening a door for a woman is not a rare gallantry .为女士开门并不是献殷勤。

10.He didn'teven die in a fine glowed gallantry in battle, so she could brag abouthim.可恨的是他并非光荣地死在战场上,连一点可以吹嘘的资本也没给她留下。
